• 於官網選購禮物即附上限定禮品包裝。

Aesop 台中概念店



  • 星期一
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期二
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期三
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期四
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期五
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期六
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
  • 星期日
    12:00 noon - 9:30pm
Aesop Taichung store façade

Rambutan and dragon fruit perched above carefully cradled custard apples; neatly stacked boxes holding a mouth-watering array of dumplings, buns, and noodles; street stalls serving up hot soup dishes. These images were front of mind during the development of our first signature store in Taichung, which was inspired by the city’s fresh food markets and the way they support the everyday lives of Taiwanese people. Designed with longstanding collaborators Torafu Architects, inhabiting a two-storey building on a leafy street, the space is gregarious yet pragmatic.

The layout of the store centres on an expansive, communal basin that wraps around an existing pillar. This allows for an easy flow of circulation, congregation, and mingling. The product shelves are tiered—stacked modular boxes that evoke those found in local markets. These fixtures are predominately made of hardboard, which is commonly used as a packaging material. Citrus Mélange Body Cleanser, Mandarin Facial Hydrating Cream and Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Intense Serum—and our full product range, for that matter—stand in for their edible counterparts, waiting to be plucked . The custom-made light fixtures that hover as an extension of the shelves recall the vibrant lamps that illuminate market wares.

Pebbled finish with sink surfaces while Aesop products are at the tiered shelves.
Aesop products placed on the tiered shelves.



店舖佈局以一座巨型水槽作為視覺中心,溫柔環抱建築原有的中央圓形樑柱。而專門展示 Aesop 香水系列的「香氛衣櫃」為台灣目前最大,巧妙沿用了圓形設計──內部藏有整齊排列的琥珀色瓶子,其設計以日出橙色呈現,令人聯想起黎明早市的色調景緻──揭示了突破傳統想像框架、不拘一格的 Aesop 香水世界。
