Aesop Bärengasse

Signature store

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tuesday
    10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday
    10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Thursday
    10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Friday
    10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Saturday
    10:00am - 6:00pm
  • Sunday
Aesop Bärengasse store interior

Aesop’s second Zurich store, in Bärengasse, was designed by Rodney Eggleston of Melbourne’s March Studio. The store’s design continues the structural gymnastics existent in Aesop’s premiere Zurich store, located on Oberdorfstrasse and also designed by Eggleston.

In contrast to Aesop Oberdorfstrasse, which employs recycled hoarding boards as the primary construction material, Bärengasse is constructed entirely from one humble material: cork. Cork, much like Zurich itself, is unassuming, texturally rich and long-lasting. The overall design suggests a cork whole from which the store’s interior has been meticulously carved out.

Aesop Barengasse store facade
Aesop Barengasse store shelving

The consultation counter and large custom cork light boxes are suspended from the five-metre high ceiling to ensure the store’s vertical qualities are not only retained, but amplified. Filling the space with the variously sized blocks, the cubic sea of movement suggests optimism and curiosity through the complex geometric possibilities that are contained within. The ballet of hanging cork is finished with three Benjamin Hubert cork pendant light fixtures and a visually arresting, hand-painted, matte gold ceiling.